These apple pancakes with a carmelized apple compote were a delicious way to celebrate. Now that we have a few days left, I think I know what we'll be having for dinner tonight over at the Carriage House!
Do you know the history behind pancake week? It is grounded in ancient tradition. During the Middle Ages, it was common practice to prepare for the austerity of Lent by ridding the pantry of luxurious food items such as eggs, butter and milk. These ingredients often became big batches of pancakes. To this day, many communities around the world feast on pancakes all the way through Shrove Tuesday...also known as Fat Tuesday or Mardi Gras--before the season of moderation begins on Ash Wednesday. In fact, another name for For Fat Tuesday?.....Pancake Day!
I wish I had been there to eat breakfast in the kitchen this morning! There are no carbs in pancakes, right? :) Looks great! Lucky Pomegranate guests! Kim